
Thursday, 30 May 2013

The Arctic and the Antarctic

The Arctic is found in the North pole and the Antarctic is in the South pole the south pole have ice and snow and there are icebergs some animals survive in the cold. No people live in there only researchers live in there. No one calls it home because they will freeze to death.

There are animals live in the North pole and the South pole in Arctic and the Antarctic they live in Antarctic. The animals live in the North pole and the South pole some animals live in the Arctic and the Antarctic. Only researchers is looking for some animals. The animals live in the Arctic and the Antarctic. It was the coldest and the driest in Earth.

No people calls it home at Arctic and Antarctic the animals live in Arctic and Antarctic only animals live in Arctic and Antarctic and researchers is in the Arctic and Antarctic they are looking for some animals in the North pole the South pole. Some animals live in Arctic and Antarctic because

In conclusion, the Antarctic and the arctic are very different because the antarctic and the arctic doesn't have ice and icebergs because the arctic is the warmest in the antarctic is the coldest then the arctic because the arctic is. warm and the antarctic is the coldest.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Monday, 27 May 2013

Harp Seals

Anatrctica seals

Only true seals breed in the south pole. A colony is a large group for the seals. Crabeater seals are the most common as there are 30 milion of them.

Friday, 24 May 2013

The Bully

This morning Room 14 was reading about the bully bully`s name is Rosie. and she wasn`t friendly she scribble on chip`s picture and Rosie told on Mrs may chip got in trouble from Mrs may she was very cross  at chip she told him off. Nobody likes the new girl because she was bully at all the kids she pull chips ear and she said to him tell me a secret but chip said no and she pull his ear even harder and she said tell me a secret go on a magic key.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Friendly Conversation

This morning Room 14 were learning about holding friendly conversations. My partner was Kishan and we used Audio boo to recording our Audio boo. Our teacher said we can go on Maths Whizz or Xtra Math after when we used our Audio boo. I hope you enjoy listening to our conversation and be sure to leave a positive comment.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Emperor penguins v Leopard seal

 Mothers come back sea from and feed their Chicks.

* The mothers feed their chicks by Puting the fish in the mouth.

* Now it is the dads  turn to go out and find  fish.

* Just before the father penguins hop in the sea they see a Leopard seal .  

* Sadly, one penguin gets  by a leopard seal.

Monday, 13 May 2013

Antarctica is in South Pole

Antarctica is in the South Pole, wich is at the bottom of New Zealand. The Ocean is brown around the southem ocean. It is the direst and the coldest conntient under the earth.

No people lives in Antarctica only researchers, because they are looking for animals. some animals. survive in the cold and it is the dry weather in Antarctica. These animals that live in the cold are penguins, seals, snow petrels which are birds.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Antarctica Sea Gragh

Do you know Antarctica is cold water at Antarctica where penguins live at Antarctica.

In the hoildays

In the holidays I stay at home and I help my mum to clean the house. my mum say to me that I can play kinect sports. When my dad and Andrew and my puppy come home. Andrew come and he open the door. Andrew saw me playing games he ask me if he could play with me. I said yes to Andrew. We turn the game off and we let it to have a rest.

Monday, 6 May 2013

Cupcake core sampling

This morning Room 14 have been learning how to take core samples. We took samples from a  cupcake and guessed what the core (inside) looked like. in real life geologists take samples of what is under the land.